All You Need Is A Vision and A Belly Fat Cure
Are you intrigued by those Internet ads claiming to know “the secret to shedding belly fat” or “the one trick to losing belly fat”?
A query that might have elevated in the mind of every single health-conscious individual on a weight-loss journey during their workout session is whether the hard work will pay off? Will they ever get rid of stubborn fat from their body? How long will it take to lose some extra pounds?
Losing extra pounds and/or getting rid of stubborn fat is not that easy as it seems. It involves enthusiasm, hard work, and yeah self-control. From earlier surveys, it has been observed that workout sessions grouping with healthy diet plans has fetched results more speedily than relying on one purpose specifically at a time.
People are generally more anxious about losing extra stubborn fat around their waist, thigh, and hips rather than any other part of their body as these portions are more noticeable. They do train hard and emphasize diet plans, however, do not get adequate results as they expect for the reason that they are not working out the right muscles at the right time and/or following the right diet plan to hit their targeted region.
Is burning fat around the belly a myth?
No… There are three probable ways.
- Following a healthy lifestyle with a training schedule prescribed by your trainer and/or nutritionist.
- Patience.
- Repeat.
Simple Steps to Cure Belly Fat
Fat around the waist and abdomen are usually the typical areas to get rid of. But with an appropriate nutritive diet, this can be possible.
Green Tea

Green tea is considered as one the most prominent source in the weight-loss journey. It comprises all the ingredients required to burn fat and calories. Make a habit of consuming green tea thrice a day like after every meal can surely help to get rid of surplus fat.
Avoid Fizzy Drinks

Avoid consuming sugary drinks from your daily routine as they contain carbohydrates and anti-health ingredients.
Brush Teeth After Each Meal

We all have heard of brushing teeth before going to bed and after rising but research says brushing teeth is a signal to the brain to add a full-stop on additional food craving. Brushing teeth after every meal will let the brain to stop requesting more food.
Hide Junk Food

Since childhood, we have been taught to keep one’s distance from junk food items as they are not good for health. In the same way, quitting or consuming a lesser amount of junk food can aid to cut stubborn belly fat by decreasing crave for additional food consumption. Try to quit junk food of any kind or otherwise if you can’t then make a practice of consuming it once in a blue moon.
Drink Water

Drinking plenty of water every day precisely before or after workouts can increase the percentage of digestion in the human body. According to a survey, increasing 1.5 liters of water intake per day from the usual routine can result in burning 18,000 calories each year.
Small Meals

Eat small meals with some gaps like after every two hours instead of over-eating thrice a day. Consuming small meals will provide the stomach sufficient time for digesting the previous meals and managing a healthy lifestyle.
Stay away from afternoon naps

For a healthy lifestyle 08 hours of sleep at night is a necessity. Throughout this process, the human body prepares itself for one more day. Taking naps in the afternoon and/or after lunch can not only disrupt the metabolism but will also result in sluggishness.
Less Stress

It has been observed that most people have a nature of taking too much stress even on small issues and/or complications. Too much anxiety can affect the metabolism of the body by increasing the craving for spicy or unhygienic food.
Chew Food More and More

It is significant to chew food more and more until it can be easily swallowed. Munching food will make it easier for the stomach to digest. One more benefit of grinding food is it provides facial exercise to the face and can work as an effective anti-aging workout.
Meals on Time

Make time to eat your meals to facilitate your stomach in controlling the digestion process. Remember, poor stomach and/or digestion can be another source of gaining weight. It is at all times required to consume your healthy meal on time and chew it as much as you can before swallowing.
Do Sit-ups Burn Belly Fat?

The one-word simple answer is ‘NO’.
Sit-ups are generally a great workout routine to burn extra calories from the body however if you emphasize burning belly fat totally by doing sit-ups then you’re making a huge mistake. Doing sit-ups more may surely help you lose extra calories than your consumption on that day but, you’ll not accomplish your desired results of getting into shape.
It is recommended to do sit-ups merging with other exercises like crunches, plank, v-sit and pelvic tilts for optimal results.
The correct way to do sit-ups:
- Lay down straight on the ground.
- Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground simultaneously.
- Place your hand behind the ears in opposite direction.
- Slowly push your head towards the knees, make sure to insert force on your stomach.
- Return to the original position and repeat the process.
For beginners, 10 reps of 3 sets per day would be enough. Gradually, increase the number of reps and sets of sit-ups each day.
For better results, try to consume fewer calories and focus on burning more!