Past Cure Review: Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox
Past Cure is a generic third-person shooting independent and/or indie game developed by Phantom 8 Studios. An indie game refers to a sequel of games that comprise of non-financial and technical support from famous game publishers. The game was released on 23rd, February 2018 for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The game spins around the story of an ex-military soldier named ‘Ian’ on a mission to reveal his enemies and take revenge after absconding from their illicit detention.
About Phantom 8 Studio
The studio was founded in March 2016 by Simon Gerdesmann (Managing Director). Initially, the studio was started with 03 members which later extended to 06 members, during the developmental process of the game and subsequently to 08 members by the end. Henceforth, named ‘Phantom 8’.
An interesting fact about the studio is that all the associates working under Phantom 8 belong to different regions of the globe. According to them, ‘Metal Gear Solid’ and ‘Silent Hill’ were their inspiration during the development of Past Cure.
Past Cure: The Gameplay
Past Cure is story-based gameplay comprising of half-dozen chapters. It’s a six hours long gameplay that revolves around the story of an Ex-military soldier named ‘Ian’ who achieves to escape from the illegal detention of enemies after being tortured for three years and undergoing physical/mental experiments and afterward found himself somewhere in London. He resides in a safe-house with his brother ‘Marcus’ and stepped out to take revenge with the help of his brother. Ian was an ordinary ex-military soldier that was blessed with additional powers like:
- ‘slowing down time’ making it easier to fight the enemies and
- ‘astral projection’ making you turn off security cameras and trace enemies
After undergoing three years of torture by his enemies, but every time Ian uses his abilities, it leads him to a darker side apart from reality.
Past Cure is a third-person shooting, horror, and stealth game. A player can enjoy various versions of games like Max Payne, Hitman, and Metal Gear Solid simultaneously. The auto-save feature makes it expedient for the player to save the progress automatically and continue the game from the last he/she left over.
People Reviews
While writing this post we have gone through higgledy-piggledy reviews, ‘mostly bad’, from the gamers community.
A word from the Author
In my opinion,
The best part about any story-based game sequel is the playback voice that makes it interesting while playing, but here in Past Cure the audio quality is simply too bad… Google Assistant should have done it better.
The games require a lot of modifications and graphical improvements. Glitches can be seen in various spots, especially when entering through the doors. The game got some really pretty headshots and a good horror section. You may find yourself fighting enemies in office buildings and car parking repeatedly that’s quite boring.
Phantom 8 Studio should not be demotivated as being a team of only 08 members they did an amazing job here, though the game should not be released in this state. On a low budget, the team did well and has the potential to surprise with something better in the future.
I would rate it: 6/10.